

Our Agriculture Program support individual farmers in need of financial assistance to help them increase their production capacity and empower the agri-food industry. 

If you are a farmer looking to obtain commercial credit, our Agriculture Program can be used to purchase crops, equipment, feed, supplies or make farm improvements to help you increase your local produce.


Scale Up

If you own a small or medium business and need funds to increase your productivity, make business improvements, or scale up for new opportunities, we created a Scale Up program to support your growth and offer you the opportunity to expand through a micro affordable credit to help you grow.


Rural Artisanal Produce

We support the role of women in rural development through our Rural Artisanal Produce Program.

The Rural Artisanal Produce Program is dedicated to women in rural areas with artisanal skills such as making Lebanese Mouneh, creating embroidery, sewing and much more. 

If you are a woman looking for an easy and affordable micro-credit to help you increase your produce, sell your products and improve your livelihood, our Rural Artisanal Produce Program will help you expand and grow in your community.