
Microfinance is the key to economic prosperity

Profunds is a Lebanese lending institution, established in 2011 that operates on Lebanese territory and provides responsible and ethical microfinance services.

Our management team comprises career-driven professionals who are redefining leadership and setting new standards by offering responsible, ethical, and inclusive financial solutions.

Our goal is to provide micro loans that encourage and support micro and small businesses, helping them thrive, enhance their livelihoods, and make a positive impact on the economy.

We help make dreams come true by overcoming hazards and challenges micro-entrepreneurs face. Whether financial, competitive, environmental, reputational, political or economic risks, we aim to always provide tailored and catered financial solutions to help you.

In a country where everything seems to be out of reach and difficult to attain, we have put out the best process and expertise to provide you with the support needed to see your business and life prosper.

Microfinance is the key to economic prosperity.